RWE wzywa do przyjęcia stabilnych zasad wsparcia dla OZE w Polsce

RWE Innogy called for reliable regulation for renewables in Poland before making further investments in the sector in the central European country.

The renewables unit of German utility giant RWE says of its 1.8GW in European onshore, 200MW is in Poland, a capacity it would like to expand.

“We want to resume this success story, but now first will await the new law for the build-up of renewables in Poland,” RWE Innogy managing director Hans Bünting says.

“Reliable framework regulations are essential for our continued investments,” he said.


The company today is inaugurating its 45MW Nowy Staw onshore wind park near Gdansk in northern Poland after erecting an additional three wind turbines there in August. So far, the utility has